Download Wave Spawning System for Unreal Engine


The Wave Spawning System is a fully Blueprint-enabled framework that makes it easy to create and manage enemy waves in your game with Unreal Engine.



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The Wave Spawning System is a fully Blueprint-enabled framework, making it easy to create and manage enemy waves in your game with Unreal Engine. This system makes it really easy to spawn hordes of enemies. Create your waves in a DataTable, drop a Wave Spawn Controller in your level, connect him to spawn points, and you’ll spawn away.


Download Wave Spawning System for Unreal Engine


The framework uses a robust batching system to organize large waves of multiple enemy groups. These parameters include spawn timing, intervals, locations, and unit count per attempt. You can customize the parameters if you want to run a batch with different enemies. There’s support for various spawning modes, including fixed location Spawn Points and Spawning Volumes, which can randomly define spawning locations in larger areas. Valid spawn placements have success rates of high confirmations, even in messy arenas, through built-in fail-safe tests.


Key Features of Wave Spawning System:

  • Automated Wave Spawning: At the start of the level, start spawning waves automatically.
  • Manual Wave Spawning: The waves can be started manually using triggers.
  • DataTable Workflow: This can be easily configured by simply providing a data table to set up the waves.
  • AI Batching: Quick customization of AI units inside batches.
  • Special Waves: Include boss waves (for epic end-of-level boss encounters).
    Customizable Parameters: Set the spawn timing, number of units per batch, and more for each batch.
  • Creating Volumes: Spawning Volumes that give you randomized spawn locations over a larger area.
  • Precaching: It prepares spawn locations in advance to optimize runtime performance.
  • Fail-Safe Tests: Valid spawn locations for every enemy are ensured.
  • Notification System: Wave completion and point distribution alerts.
  • Countdown Timer: Provides some time for the players to prepare for the waves to attack.
  • Sample Gameplay Level: A demonstration level demo shows how the core systems work together.
  • Fully Commented Blueprints: With detailed comments, learn and customize the system easily.


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